IMDB Rating: 6.8/10
Directed: Hardik Gajjar
Released Date: 22 October 2021
Types: Drama ,Romance
Film Stars: Pratik Gandhi ,Aindrita Ray ,Ankur Bhatia
Movie Quality: 720p 480p pDVDRip
File Size: 907MB ,361MB
Story line: Religion and Culture have blindfolded the society in such a way that one doesn’t want to question and neither does the curiosity to question or interrogate arise. If one is impaired at the sight towards their way of living , It results into a lifestyle full of deception and dishonesty ; not only that the deception and denial towards life hampers the stability and growth of the people in society It promotes alarming rise in double standards too. Our story highlights the above issue in an unique and a beautiful way, that is unravels the double standards of the society, that is living a substandard life . It’s about Ram-Leela that is taking place for the first time in Khaakhar village .
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